Temporarily Lefty

Back to Basics.

As I write this, I remember my Nursery school days, when my mom used to teach me my first lessons in writing.

Anyone could have an idea on how a long name could be a burden to a child who is asked to fit it in a pad paper. During those times my 15-letter name (without middle initial and the spaces) was considered long.

I tried to somehow re-live it today. Since I am not left-handed, I consider my left hand a "beginner" in the matters of penmanship.

Experiences re-lived. Lessons re-learned...

- When we are provided spaces, learn to fit in.
- Things aren't always easy at first attempts. Repetition is the key.
- The best way to complete something is enjoying the process.

"My handwriting looks as if a swarm of ants, escaping from an ink bottle, had walked over a sheet of paper without wiping their legs.” -Sydney Smith (1771 – 1845) English clergyman and essayist
