Babies and House Keys

Just last week , we've been chatting with Jane and Aleli (our pregnant friends in  the offiice) about their conception experiences, their plans, their feelings.  I can't forget how Jane said that she was excited to have the baby but was so nervous of the delivery.

Today,  Jane is taking care of her days-old lovely baby girl.  Aleli is waiting for her turn to deliver.

I am experiencing the same kind of jitters.  No,  I am not pregnant (and that's not questionable).  I am giving birth to the achievement of a long-time dream.  I am giving birth to a doubled amount of financial responsibility.  I have just acquired the biggest purchase I've ever made in my entire life.  Thirty years to pay.

Photo Credit:

In reality, life is ironic but magical.  Like any mother who struggles from giving birth to raising their children,  there's one thing that is sure,  I am inexplicably happy.

Finally! :)
